
Improve ERM

If your ERM program isn’t living up to your expectations, we can review your organization’s ERM capabilities and practices to benchmark your performance and pinpoint your best opportunities for improving the effectiveness of your program.

We have been providing ERM reviews since 2004. Our Risk Wise ERM Maturity Model provides a rigorous and comprehensive benchmark that, unlike other maturity models, focuses on the ‘results’ rather than the ‘form’ of an ERM program. Our ‘ERM Breakthrough’ package typically includes the following deliverables:

  • ERM Visioning Workshop to articulate your organization’s ERM vision.
  • ERM Performance Review to benchmark your organization’s ERM capabilities and culture.
  • ERM Roadmap Workshop to chart a step-by-step roadmap to methodically build and evolve your organization’s ERM capacity and performance.
  • Risk Management ‘Personal Trainer’ program to give you timely, personalized coaching, education and advice to tackle your particular ERM implementation challenges.

“Diana has a knack for knowing what will help executives to design, launch, and continually evolve risk management programs to keep pace with changing business conditions and risk practice standards.”

Karen McBride

Executive Vice-President, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Compliance Officer